Fashion mistakes killing your own style!

Fashion, ClothingFashion mistakes killing your own style?

Various hiking on dates, as well as the labor process on your work, doing shopping in the shops and festivities based on city streets – this is also that a certain part in a fashion show.

Spectators are many and they are all as if involuntarily will engage in estimation of your appearance. What fashion mistakes in clothing will make a variety of women most often?

Speaking about various fashion errors in the clothes of course we are not going to affect the various trends inherent in modern dress, which degrade the overall image appearance and contribute to underscore so problem areas the figure, because we have first of all due to various fashionable canons belief that nullifies all their own efforts, which are aimed at the creation of the individual style of your clothes. Created homegrown stylists and other image-makers, these awful cliches very firmly etched in the minds of women, and they constantly interfere with her to find herself and becomes more beautiful, mysterious and unique.

To finally become a real style icon will need to explore all the existing errors, and after that never not to repeat them!

1. You always do purchase the same dress size?

Once you have crossed the threshold of the next fashion-boutique, you can always do a refinement in the presence of a consultant to your own size. And do – it is certainly in vain. After marking on different labels, different clothing brands are so very different, but different sized tables can and do not fully coincide. Because of this excellent silk dress has a certain color azure sea, which you rejected due to wrong size, will now adorn another woman. But just worth to try this excellent female attire. It is not important that it is indicated on this label, if – it is a woman’s dress successfully village on your body directly under your figure!

2. Do you like to wear retro without the use of modern music?

All we know that fashion is characterized by its cyclical nature. After all, sometimes all fashion trends destined to return. But this fact should not be considered a reason to wear your favorite costume of the 80s for several years. Using a retro style will be deemed appropriate if this is relevant occasion – it can be a variety of retro – party or some stylized shooting. In another case, this is an interesting approach might just wear out visually, and you would like to add to your biological age some additional 5 – 10 years. To highlight the most important use of retro little things could open up completely, you will need to combine – it is very different from the more recent items from your wardrobe!

Want to wear a denim version midi – skirts from the era of the 90’s? Then try to complement its modern version of the current crop – stamp, leather black leather jackets or sharp-nosed shoes option based on the heel. But the version of the white blouse, bow, together with pearls can be left for the next fashion experiments in this direction.

3. If you just hate different horizontal strips?

Many fashionistas think that the print version of the horizontal stripes visually be able to add a lot of extra kilos. Part – this is very true, because if a woman is having a great body decides to put on some clothes, case on the basis of the print, then the harmony of this fact it is not exactly betray and even perhaps on the contrary worsen its slenderness. And some hoody based marine prints, which will be filled up in a very dark version of jeans or wide version of the skirt – midi striped, or some striped coat will be to face the obviously not for all women.

Moreover such items in any wardrobe can be collected quite a few do not. You also will be important to find exactly your thing!

4. If you think you have a bright color in clothes can only be one in your image?

Luxury version of the skirt on the basis of emerald hue will be able to tune their unique colors, if used together with it sunny-yellow leather clutch option. Also add to the attractiveness of your way to help more and more sheet music on the basis of suede shoes with fuchsia. Do not be afraid of color is combined between different saturated, as well as still and muted shades in the vicinity of the framework of all – the same color or the opposite on the color wheel itself, and they will always help you look stylish and modern main thing.

5. Are you sure exactly what to wear men’s stuff can only only men?

It is now popular bloggers based on their pages often show different images designed to use things from the shoulder of their guys. Such images look so very sensual, soulful, stylish and elegant, even in the body of any fashionista fragile that it adds a special charm and appeal. At the same time, this approach could help for a girl or woman of any body option, if you can correctly choose the right thing.

Just try to look at the clothes of their favorite, and then you too will be able to it is possible that – you can not select or even dare – is to wear that can be expressed by its jeans or a T-shirt based on the style of the sport – chic or – it may even be his very rough shoes. If you can fit one of these gizmos in your own wardrobe, then you will be able to pass a very fine woman of fashion with its unique style of their clothes.

6. If you like to wear a print only on the basis of plain things?

It now has advanced the fair sex know exactly how well – it can be a very exciting experience, a combination of different prints together. The image created by the merger of different motives, will always be different, and it will look absolutely trivial. After all, you can try to put together all the colors together, as well as strips, peas and more abstraction, camouflage, or cell. And you can see that many of the combinations will help to create your special style in a very refined form of an extraordinary.

7. If you think that a variety of glitter or sequins will not be worn during the day?

Many of the elegant products with a bright version of the decor are harmoniously fit into your everyday version of the female wardrobe. Although this fact may seem so very strange, but combining all of them together with a simple monophonic versions of things, we can offer them as if the top of the pedestal of fashion. Look at this outfit, except the girl in it can be blamed, in her bad taste?