Your clothes. Character and style of a person.

cheaply to buy a sweater,Everyone knows that people are met by his clothes. And the style can tell a lot about it. How does one see a person for the first time learn more about his character? How to dress yourself in such a way as to make the right impression?

Business style.

If a person wears suits not only in the office or on special occasions, but prefers business style everywhere, it speaks about his seriousness and restrained nature. Such people count all in advance and prefer tested to the unknown. They do not like changes and appreciate their time. In dealing with such business people, it is worth keeping a low profile, and when dealing with work issues do not be distracted by extraneous topics.

In all black.

With a huge selection of colors for the wardrobe, there are still people who prefer to dress exclusively in black. It is generally believed that these are closed and unsociable personalities, however, not necessarily. Of course, a black wardrobe implies that a person, as it were, draws a line between himself and other people. But it may also be that such a person is an extraordinary person and subconsciously wants to emphasize this. Have a strong character, although sometimes they are vulnerable. In communication it is necessary to avoid frivolity, if it is a close friend. Such “black” people can react sharply to a careless word.

By fashion.

If a person follows fashion trends, there is nothing wrong with this and it is even commendable. However, the constant change of wardrobe in an attempt to blindly follow the fashion and the complete lack of one’s style indicate lack of self-confidence. They do not want and are afraid to recognize their individuality. And “fashion” is not, other than an attempt to increase their own importance in their own and others’ eyes.
In communication, you should say compliments to the wardrobe, which will allow you to locate such an interlocutor.

Sloppy wardrobe.

It’s not about dirty and tattered clothes, but when a person does not care what he looks like. Purely and fine. Often these are creative, burning nature, which, however, suffer from insecurity in their abilities. They quickly ignite a new business, but also quickly cool down. They constantly need the support of friends, and sometimes they forget that they have a world around them and are immersed in their thoughts and fantasies. In communication prefer the uncommon and cheerful interlocutors.

Full shock.

People, with all their might, tend to stand out from the crowd, sometimes shocking others with their appearance. And such people are not necessarily young, sometimes they can be of a very respectable age. Personality is bold and uncommon, often representatives of creative professions. It’s absolutely the same as others think of them, they do only what they like and are completely happy with it.

If there is a need to get along with such a person, it is worth bearing in mind that they are more than anyone else able to appreciate the original trick and leprosy, as well as the humor and the mind of the interlocutor.