How to choose the right color for women’s clothing?

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Online store women's clothing, jackets, women's blouses.Color in women’s clothing is one of the most important criteria for choosing items of women’s wardrobe, accessories and decorative cosmetics. If you pick it up incorrectly, you can visually age yourself and flaunt some of the shortcomings of the face and body. On the contrary, correctly picking up the color range of women’s clothing, you can decorate yourself. To achieve the desired effect, you need to know what shades suit you and how they differ from each other.

All existing color shades come from 3 primary colors – red, blue and yellow, mixing which forms orange, green and violet, with which you can get absolutely any tone from the spectrum. They are divided into two classes:

• warm colors: in the red color scheme – coral, brick, poppy-red, fiery red; in yellow – mustard, honey, amber, egg; in blue – the color of the sea wave, turquoise, sky blue, cornflower blue; in green – khaki, olive, the color of forest greens, etc .;

• cold shades: in the red color scheme – purple, raspberry, cherry, burgundy; in yellow – lemon, fawn; in blue – azure, ultramarine, indigo; in green – malachite, emerald, color of needles, etc.
Of course, these shades warm and cold color schemes are not limited. Modern designers use more complex, interesting, mixed colors in women’s clothing. Each shade – warm or cold – fits a certain color. From this, and need to build on when choosing and buying women’s clothing.

People with the color-type “winter” are approached by a cold color scheme in clothes. They possess pale skin with a bluish podton, gray, icy blue or brown eyes, dark hair. Cool shades in women’s clothing are suitable for people with the color type “summer” – holders of milk, pale or olive skin with a cold podton, light blond or with an ashy shade of hair, gray, blue, light green eyes.

Warm color types are “spring” and “autumn”. Owners of the first color type have light, bronze-golden or ivory skin, blue, green or hazel eyes, golden-chestnut, honey-copper or straw-colored hair. “Autumn” people are, as a rule, holders of transparent white or slightly golden skin, light blue or golden brown eyes, warm hair – red-chestnut, red, copper-gold. Coming out of the above, it is worth buying a woman’s clothes of the right shade.