Cardigans, blouses and scarves – clothes in the English style.

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Women's clothingEnglish style in the clothes as if specially created for a real British lady. It embodies strictness, refined manners, elegance and subtlety. It always served as a sign of irreproachably good tone.

True British is distinguished by slowness and refinement, smooth sharp movements, a sense of harmony and taste. In the same manner, the English style of dress for women is also created. This manner of dressing is absolutely not suitable for the sultry native of tropical countries – it is incompatible with its boiling blood and passionate nature. Women of Ukraine can perfectly combine elements of this style in their basic wardrobe.

This style is completely unacceptable for a woman – vamp, whose sense of life is hunting for members of the opposite sex.
British conservatism and restraint do not accept aggressive sexuality. Classic rules of costume in the English style are practicality and quality, combined with elegance and impeccable cut. This style does not accept any carelessness.
Preference for sewing women’s clothing, this style gives quality fabrics. Brilliant additives and elastic synthetics are incompatible with the Victorian tradition.

The color scale of women’s clothing should be excellent – give preference to natural colors – brown, gray, green. You can make a note of freshness and enthusiasm with the help of sky-blue or peach flowers. However, such bright colors should be present in a small amount. Under a gray suit or cardigan, you can wear a blue blouse or a bright neck scarf. Dress or suit with a traditional cage can be shaded with a bright belt of contrasting color or unusual valves on the pockets.
Details of the English costume are trimmed with the help of strict large stitches. The collar usually has a jacket cut. The cut on the skirt can be very small.