Thermal underwear for summer.

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buy thermal underwearMany people have an association of thermal underwear in the summer, no. For almost everyone it’s winter clothes. Where the thermal insulation is in the first place, which would save from the cold.

But in summer, leading an active lifestyle, there is no need to warm up. When practicing sports or trips to the mountains, and in general physical exercises or loads in the fresh air, it is worth wearing an additional kind of clothing in the form of thermal underwear. Its main property is the removal of moisture by which, the skin breathes, remaining dry, creating comfort.

Thin and thick layer of material.

The thicker the material used to make thermal underwear, the warmer it is.

The most material with a lower specific gravity is used for the production of native, and with large-scavengers, jackets. For summer, synthetic clothing is characteristic, while natural materials lose, as they cease to breathe when they are active, absorbing moisture and holding it. Cotton, linen, viscose are good for winter. A thermal underwear for the summer with the addition of synthetics gives good air permeability and moisture resistance.

Composition of the material for making thermal underwear.

The materials used to make thermal underwear are:

Polyester. Absorbs moisture by 50%, does not carry unpleasant odors, drying of such clothes, occurs quickly.

Polypropylene. Absorbs moisture much less than polyester, keeps an excellent appearance, just dries quickly.

At the moment, almost all products for wearing socks with thermal properties, are made of microfiber with a variety of cross-sections. On this depends the comfort and pleasant sensations when socking.

Thermal underwear has two sides internal with a layer that has water-repellent properties, with the addition of synthetics. And external with natural fibers, which have excellent absorbency.

This gives the fact that the inner side remains dry, and the external side absorbs moisture. In this case, special knitting or weaving of fibers of a non-even structure is used which will allow rapid drying of the outer surface.

Quality in the toe of thermal underwear.

Cutting the products of thermal underwear is important not less than the composition of the material and the properties of the thing. Thermal underwear should fit the figure and fit tightly to the skin. This function is achieved by adding elastane fibers to the basic composition of the material. What is in all products of thermal direction. Chel is better attached to the thermal underwear to the body, the better the effect is achieved with sweating.

When sewing products of thermal direction, the seams are processed on flattened equipment. Also, seams with open cuts are not appropriate, and dimensional labels and labels are attached to the outside. But the best option is unbleached laundry.

Since the thermal underwear for the summer is necessary with activity, it should be chosen carefully and reasonably, taking care of skin health.