Outerwear, thermal underwear to buy or not? Winter clothes!

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thermal cuesThermals probably one of the most important subject of clothing aimed at the preservation of the human body from winter frosts. Each winter brings the sad statistics about the frozen, frostbitten or supercooled people. Most of the victims are people, despising the necessary measures of protection against the negative influence of low temperature. And only a small percentage of the victims are those that result from an emergency situation were in the cold in the wrong clothes. Here we are not talking about people without a permanent residence.

What you need to do in order not to be among the victims of the low temperature? It should follow the simple rules applicable to clothing, shoes, hats, scarves, gloves, as well as to comply with the prevention of hypothermia. Here they are.

CLOTHES. In cold weather clothing should be multi-layer – at least 5 layers. And certainly one of the layers with a dense, not windy, tissue. For example, breeches shirt with a natural fabric and long sleeves, turtleneck, sweater or blouson, sweater or sweater, a jacket or a jacket, a warm coat or long down jacket. As for the clothes from the waist down, a woman must necessarily give preference warm pants, and for them to wear thick tights. Men are advised to wear under trousers with fleece underwear or sporting tights. Between the layers of clothing, especially if you plan a long way in the cold, women need to enclose the front teats, and the men in front of an intimate place a layer of thick paper. However, the best way to protect against the cold is to buy underwear, but he can not afford one, though the price of underwear in our online store acceptable for everyone who want to buy outerwear.

SHOES. Unchanged requirement of shoes is the following: it has to be one size larger, so you can wear warm socks and squeeze the leg. If you wear shoes in the leg, it will be squeezed, blood circulation is reduced and the leg quickly freeze.

HEADDRESS. The main requirement for a headdress – it should cover the ears and part of the cheeks. Very well suited for cold weather hats with earflaps.

SCARF. In the cold it should not be an attribute of sparkling jewelry, and perform basic, warming function. They can protect the neck under your clothes, but you can on top of clothing. In this case, it will be protected and part of the face.

GLOVES. It is advisable not to wear leather gloves, of course, if they are not on the fur and fabric gloves or mittens.

MOVEMENT. In the cold need to move leisurely pace. When there is a headwind, from time to time to go back to the nose and cheeks slightly warmed. Try not to talk, not to pick up the cold air. Periodically, you need to gently rub the frozen nose and cheeks, but no gloves, and hand as callous in the cold mitten chilled easily injure the skin of the face.

BREATH. Only the nose. The nasal passages with richly extensive network of small blood vessels, cold, frosty air will be warmed. And if you breathe through the mouth, the airways will not get warmed air from the ensuing unpleasant consequences.

WAITING public transport. You can not stand still even you have bought underwear wholesale, you must keep moving, turning away from the wind, and if possible, go to the nearest store to get warm. If you feel that the freeze should not be expected to continue its route, you need to get into anyone who came to warm up, even if it is moving in the opposite direction. For frostbite or hypothermia more expensive than, for example, an explanation with his superiors about being late for work.