What to wear? Online women’s clothing store.

Contrasts of color in women’s clothes.

Every now and then every woman stands in front of her huge wardrobe with clothes and understands that there is nothing to wear. Rather, a skirt was bought recently, which, for some reason, somehow does not look that way with any blouse. And the pants looked very stylish on a mannequin, but it seems they will have to pick up shoes specially for them … This is the eternal problem of those who take things because they are good in themselves. A woman looks at a purchased T-shirt two days ago, which you can wear unless she is at home and asks herself the question “Why did I take it?”.

The answer may be simply ingenious – “I liked the material, it’s very soft.” And the fact that it looks like it was taken away from an African basketball player doesn’t care about anyone, because at that time it was the best T-shirt in the world. Beautiful color, nice material, matching the color of the bathroom … these are not criteria for choosing clothes. Buying every thing you need to think about what you can wear it with, whether there is something suitable in the wardrobe and something you have to buy on purpose. Then, naturally, such situations will not arise.

But besides, in order to get attached to the situation, women’s clothing can always be learned to combine, not even successfully purchased, but to save significantly on clothes, there is one piece of advice, try to buy women’s clothing wholesale from the manufacturer immediately, as it is much cheaper. In order to profitable to buy women’s clothing, our online store of women’s clothing offers the most current prices for clothing from the manufacturer.


First of all, clothes should be combined in colors. Perfectly bought and sitting blouse “wrong” color will look awful. Elegantly matched to each other dress and bag can be simply destroyed by the unfortunate color of nail polish. Such blunders are found quite often, so a woman is obliged to know the necessary base of compatible and unmatched colors.

We recall the course of art. Colors in clothes are divided into simple (red, yellow, blue) and complex (purple, green, etc.). There are also cold, warm and neutral.

Neutral (black, white, gray) can be combined with each other and with any of the warm or cold gamut. The only rule that works here is that the bottom should always be darker than the top. Light-colored trousers and a dark T-shirt can be bought and dressed by a teenage girl, but by no means a strict woman. But do not go to extremes, if you really want to wear a light blue skirt – wear, but only with an even lighter top.

Another rule is that by creating stylish contrasts, only people with a unique sense of style can mix more than three colors. If you are not a fashion designer, do not risk. Choose one dominant color and complement it with one or two others – it is almost impossible to make a mistake.

Prints, ornaments and patterns on clothing. If one of the things in a strip, in a cage, but at least in a butterfly – the other should be monotonous. A fashion critic can combine stripes and peas, because he knows how, and you don’t. So do not experiment and follow the golden rules.