The history of women’s clothing.

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The interesting thing lingerie - body.The history of women’s clothing. Each cabinet can be found in full – full of old things, but few people think that each of them has their own story of creation.

The interesting thing lingerie – body. Outwardly, it looks like a swimsuit athlete, but unlike the latter, it must be worn over the head. There was the element of women’s wardrobe for a long time, but, nevertheless, is popular to this day.

In 2010 the main fashion house, as if by agreement, launched it in all their collections. Give your body a preference Madonna and Jennifer Lopez, and often use it in their scenic obrazah.Kupalny suit bikini two-piece, it has been named in honor of the atoll, which tested a nuclear weapon. There are many varieties of this bathing suit, and even has a male version, called Mancini.

Jeans were originally designed as work clothes. The original fabric texture quite different from modern samples in her plaited flax fibers, and the staff was much tougher. “Denim” – the name is a modern material from which made jeans. Every year, for the treatment of tissue spent two million dollars – it costs so much in the pumice, which comes from Greece and Turkey. Decorating jeans hippies came up, they used to do all kinds of chains and crystals, by the way, ripped jeans – also their merit. This movement is lost in time, but continue to decorate jeans.

The cap, which everyone has – a baseball cap. It appeared, as well as a bikini in the middle of the last century and was conceived specifically for the game of baseball, hence the name of it. The cap has become popular among the fans who came to the match, and later this fashion caught the whole world.

Word bra means – support. For the first time the word was used by the magazine “Vogue” in 1907, before that it was called simply – LB, which means – the bodice to bust out of here by the way, went the second name – bra. Before 1920, all bras made of only one volume, and only much later, they began to sort by size and shape.