Women’s clothing and the laws of fashion.

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women's blouses5 eternal laws of fashion and women’s clothing.

From year to year, trends change, something becomes tasteless and cheap, but something recognized and expensive. Of course, this change is always for the better and new trends are only pleasing to the eye, but there is something that remains stylish regardless of fashion and current innovations. Such laws of fashion will be recognized always, everywhere and by everyone. It is these laws that will always be followed, everywhere and everything.

Act 1. From year to year remains a stylish mix of male and female style. A few decades ago, women began to wear men’s and brutal things in combination with feminine elements of the wardrobe. And still it remains the same trend. So, you should not be afraid, you need to try to experiment and then you will definitely get a unique image that will emphasize charm and beauty.

Law 2. There is a myth, a stereotype that red lipstick is not for every girl. In fact, this is a deep misconception. More than a hundred shades of red lipstick have been produced for various color types of the face, and it is worthwhile to select the one that is ideal and will look advantageous and stylish. The main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice and be careful.

Law 3. You need to be able to emphasize your “profitable silhouette.” This means that you need to hide the flaws and emphasize the advantages, thereby creating a feminine and attractive silhouette.

Law 4. Gray is not boring. It is necessary to destroy all stereotypes and bad associations associated with gray. This color goes well with any other colors and has a huge number of cute shades. By adding a gray color to the image, and diluting it all with glamorous details, such as fur and bright jewelery, you can create a bright and stylish outfit.

Law 5. A great idea is to add naive details to the basic wardrobe items. For example, you can create something copyright and unique simply by tucking in a women’s shirt or adding bright decorations. You can decorate the shoes with embroidery, which is just what was invented and it will look unique and original. It is worth trying.